Dental health is an essential part of your overall health, directly impacting how others see you and how you perceive yourself.
For these reasons, searching for a new dentist is a task that requires time and patience. Unfortunately, rushing this process or deciding only on lower prices is why costly mistakes are made.
I have worked with many patients where most of the treatment is fixing shoddy dental work performed by other clinics.
Please keep in mind that you are not just looking for any dentist; you need to find a dental care partner with a genuine interest in your long-term well-being.
I'll sound biased because, of course, we provide top-rated dental care to thousands of patients in Punta Cana (coming from all corners of the planet), but I want to help you with some pointers for your dentist search:
Proven experience: nothing compares to the real-world, in-the-trenches experience of treating thousands of patients with all types of situations, challenges, and complexity levels.
Ensure your dentist can meet your needs: maybe it's not that obvious, but not all dentists are created equal. There are many specialties and accreditations, and not all are relevant to your particular needs.
Interview and research: go beyond visiting a website. Look at pictures of their cases and examine the quality. Next, talk to them. By the way, you can book a FREE consultation with us right here, right now.
I could write endlessly about why we are your best option in Punta Cana, but I'll let you do your research and then, if you like what you see, get back to us.
In the meantime, please visit our website, watch some videos on our YouTube Channel, watch our patient reactions, and finally, let's talk.
You can schedule a free, no-obligation video consultation with me, Dr. Miguel Asenjo. I'll personally answer your most pressing questions in real-time and guide you through your dental journey.
All the best,
Dr. Miguel Asenjo Master in Complex Oral Rehabilitation and Robotics Dentistry Asenjo One Visit Dentistry +1-809-383-2410